Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Without Fear


It's been more than a month since I wrote the last blog post. What a whirlwind of activity, most of it, completely unforgettable household chores kind of business.
Sarah Beth, and her mom, Sherry arrived at Sanoviv on Sunday and are knee deep in treatment options to help heal and alleviate painful issues stemming from her transverse myelitis. Through labs suggested by Dr. Francisco, Sarah learned she does indeed have Lyme's disease and has been battling with it since 2008. She was not able to be diagnosed with this here in the States but because of the approach Sanoviv takes, she's got a target to shoot at and maybe even kill the dang virus which has run amok in her life.

In the past month, dozens of people have rallied around Sarah financially and given hard earned monies to help her go to this hospital.
Sarah has felt pressure to be healed because of the investment so many have made. I have empathy for the responsibility she feels as I have been plagued the past couple of days with fears of my own. It was my suggestion she go to Sanoviv. Over the past year, as I've watched Sarah suffer with the debilitating effects the nerve inflammation and damage has continued to inflict, I was in prayer for her a lot.

I asked God repeatedly to take her off my mind and let me alone because surely someone else was better equipped to speak into her life. However, my heart kept going back to her and I felt compelled to ask again whether the Gulke's would be willing to step out in faith and bring Sarah to this hospital in Mexico. www.sanoviv.com

I am living proof the functional/integrative medicine approach really does work and isn't a bunch of voodoo. 
 I totally stuck my nose in their business..... Because they'd sought treatments all over the States for her to no avail, it appears Sanoviv is a last ditch effort, just as it had been in my case. There were no guarantees when I arrived there that they would be able to help me, but before my husband paid for a funeral he was bound and determined I try one more time. The possibility exists Sarah might not be helped as much as we desire, but it's a low risk given the expertise the doctors have there and God's ability to give them wisdom far beyond their own human understanding.
I have cried a bucket of tears over my asking and suggesting they go out on a limb here and trust Sarah will find a measure, however small or great, of healing.

This morning, I opened my email and this devotional was included.

I cried again, (cause I do that) and felt incredibly grateful to know God has heard my prayers. Me, who in the whole scheme of things, is of little consequence but in God's plan is an instrument, hopefully of peace and for good.
Please take a few minutes and listen to what Dr. Piper has to say about not being anxious about anything but in everything with thanksgiving letting our requests be made known to God.

We have decided to GO BIG and not stay home! We are trusting God based on some experience with the healing brought about at Sanoviv for me and others I personally know, and are clinging to hope and having faith He is going to effect this good in Sarah's life.

But, make no mistake, we are saying as the Hebrew children did in the face of Nebuchadnezzar's decree to bow down to a statue of him, 
Daniel 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered the king, saying, “Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves to you. 17 If you throw us into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from the furnace. He will save us from your power, O king. 18 But even if God does not save us, we want you, O king, to know this: We will not serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”

Faith is what pleases God.
And He covered it in the Bible when He recorded the passage where a man is saying in regards to the healing sought for his child, "Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!" God knows our frame is frail and dust, and we desire to play it safe and live where we feel we're in control.
Please be praying alongside those of us who love Sarah, and thanking God already that He is going to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think.

And I also want to include the blog post by Sarah's sister, Christa.  This journey is about so much more than Sarah's physical health. It impacts people we know and many more than we could imagine. Our desire is that God would get the glory for what He has done and is doing. Nothing He brings about in our lives is wasted. He can make all things work together for good for those who love Him. 

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